Sicily and Malta, 2015-2016

Members of Oneness-Dream visited Sicily and Malta during the Christmas/New Year period of December 2015 and January 2016.

During this time the group offered 3 performances, presenting a selection of Sri Chinmoy’s English songs. Photos of each performance, and a selection of audio recordings of songs from the concerts in Palermo and Valletta are presented here as a record of this historic visit.

29 December 2015

The Church of Santa Maria della Catena, Palermo

This historic church was built between 1490 – 1520, designed by Matteo Carnilivari. The name derives from the presence on one of the walls, of a chain which closed the Cala port. The concert here was organised by the Sri Chinmoy Centres of Italy.

30 December 2015

The “Salt Cathedral” of Realmonte

This extraordinary church is carved out of rock salt and stone within an active salt mine. The performance by Oneness-Dream was part of a program which included a reception for the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run.

16 January 2016

The Basilica of our Lady of Mount Carmel, Valletta, Malta

This grand, exquisite church is one of the prominent features of the Valletta skyline. The church was originally built in around 1570 and designed by Girolamo Cassar, although it needed to be rebuilt following its destruction by bombing during the Second World War. The new church was consecrated in 1981. Its 42 metre high dome supports an acoustic with a phenomenal natural reverb. Oneness-Dream are most grateful to the priests of the Basilica for making all the arrangements for this unforgettable experience.

Pictures of the Tour

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